• Question: In a room stand three great men, a King, a Priest and a Rich Man. Between them stands a common selllsword, a commoner who kills for money. Each person bids the sellsword kill the other two. Who dies and who lives? The King says do it for me i am your king. The priest says do it for god. The rich man says do it and you will have all the gold i have. Who dies and who lives?

    Asked by pcat to Andrew, Beth, Bruce, Lindy, Lizzie on 15 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Beth Mortimer

      Beth Mortimer answered on 15 Jun 2012:

      If he kills for money I’m guessing he’s not religious or particularly loyal, so I reckon he takes all the money and kills the king and preist. As the rich man isn’t rich any more he lets him live and the sellsword being now very rich (and good with a sword) becomes the king…
