• Question: Which science is best?

    Asked by laurabrossino to Andrew, Beth, Bruce, Lindy, Lizzie on 15 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Lindy Heath

      Lindy Heath answered on 15 Jun 2012:

      This is a difficult one as all of the science’s combine at least to some degree. For example, chemistry combines knowledge from physics, maths and often even biology. The boundaries between what is considered chemistry, physics and biology become much more blurred after school. It is often very difficult to study only one area, although your degree may be based on one major theme i.e. chemistry. If forced to choose though I’d have to say that chemistry is the best!

    • Photo: Beth Mortimer

      Beth Mortimer answered on 15 Jun 2012:


    • Photo: Bruce Alexander

      Bruce Alexander answered on 15 Jun 2012:

      I’m a chemist by training and I still find this the most interesting…but…they really interesting things happen at the bits where chemistry meets physics, or biology, or engineering, or whatever…even architecture!

      What I tell all of the first year students, as soon as they come into study science with us is never, never define yourself as being only a chemist, or only a biologist. All the sciences are getting mixed up with each other now, more than they ever have been, and when they come to graduate and get a job, they will have to be able to talk to people in other disciplines and be understood – this is often difficult as we sometimes use a different language – chemists have a different way of describing things to, say, pharmacists.

      The short answer to the question is the best science is the one you are most interested in, but keep an open mind and don’t ignore other subjects. Unless it is finance or accountancy – they haven’t done very well for us recently…
